Makati Medical Centre


Makati Medical Center is a tertiary hospital with a 600 bed capacity. It is a technologically advanced teaching institution recognized by the Department of Health. It has also been awarded a 6th edition gold seal from the JCI, an international standard accrediting body.

The Mental Health Institute of the Philippines


The Mental Health Institute of the Philippines is a tertiary hospital that specializes in mental health. It is an educational workplace with many learning opportunities for students studying psychiatric nursing.

The Armed Forces Hospital


The Armed Forces Hospital is a military-specialist hospital that offers an educational program for nursing students. Thanks to this organisation, students have the opportunity to observe and learn about complex facilities such as the Neuro ICU.

Ospital ng Makati


Ospital Ng Makati is a government–owned tertiary level teaching hospital with many specialties. They provide our students with the facilities to engage with the hands-on patient care activities. They plan to form a consortium with other high performing schools from ASEAN countries, targeting Indonesia for exchange students.

Makati City Health


Makati City Health organizes many primary health clinics for students to engage with many different medical scenarios, all within a convenient vicinity.